Platinum men

The importance of this analysis includes detecting blood sugar, vitamins K, D, calcium, and sodium. Most men are advised to start doing cholesterol tests regularly starting at the age of thirty-five, if there is a family history of diabetes or heart disease.

It contains analyses:

Urea Creatinine






Complete Blood Count (CBC)


(Ca ) Calcium

( Na) Sodium 

( K) Potassium 

(Cl )Chloride

Uric  Acid

Urine Analysis

 Glucose  in urine

FBS ( Fasting Blood Glucose)

Stool Analysis

TSH-4T Free( 4FT) 

Vitamin- D

HBs Ag



H .pylori ag in stool

Tumor Marker 



Iron (fe)

Vitamin- B12



1300 SAR


You must fast for 10-12 hours and water is allowed.

List of Included Tests - 28 Test

This test detects the bacteria or germs in the urine, bacteria can cause inflammation and pain in the bladder.

It is a test to detect bacteria or germs in the stool. Bacteria can cause inflammation and pain in the stomachIt is a test to detect bacteria or germs in the stool. Bacteria can cause inflammation and pain in the stomach

Maintaining body fat levels within normal levels helps heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes

Fasting glucose test is used to detect high blood sugar or low blood sugar levels and monitor blood sugar levels for a healthy life.

The body depends on vitamin D, which is one of the most important vitamins in the human body to support the immune system and build stronger bones. 

the lack of this vitamin can cause feelings of laziness, lethargy, fatigue, and extreme exhaustion

Vitamin B12 has an essential role in production of red blood cells and DNA. Vitamin B12 helps the nervous system to be in the perfect ways . It is important for the health of the brain, memory and the entire nervous system

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Stool  test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

TSH Test 

The thyroid gland produces the hormone thyroxine  which is a very important hormone for the body’s metabolism and growth. Thyroxine, or free It is present freely in the blood for use by tissues and the body in general when needed.

Hepatitis C is known as a virus that causes inflammation and damage to the liver. Hepatitis C screening is known as a set of tests that are performed on an individual, in order to diagnose his infection with hepatitis C, in order to treat the individual, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. An individual often becomes infected with hepatitis C when Contaminated blood enters the body, due to injections used to take drugs, sharing needles, or blood transfusions.

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