Silver Package

Diagnosing the patient's condition and early detection of diseases as soon as they occur, preventing complications of the disease, and helping to discover physical obstacles and facilitate their treatment, which raises the health level of the individual and society. There are many serious diseases that affect humans without prior warning, such as: blood pressure, high fats, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.

It contains analyses:


باقة طمني  الفضية

200 R.s تشخيص حالة المريض والكشف المبكّرعن الأمراض فور حدوثها، ومنع حدوث مضاعفات للحالة المرضية ويساعد على اكتشاف المعوقات البدنية وتسهيل علاجها مما يرفع من المستوى الصحي للفرد والمجتمع، فهناك أمراض عديدة وخطيرة تصيب الإنسان دون إنذار مسبق مثل: ضغط الدم، وارتفاع الدهون، وتصلّب الشرايين، والسكري، Tameny silver Package يجب الصيام لمدة 10 - 12 ساعة و يسمح بشرب الماء فقط You must fast for 10-12 hours water is allowed. (أهم أنزيمات الكبـــد ( 

(أهم وظائف الكلـــى)

(مجموعة الدهون والكوليسترول الدهون الثلاثية -الكوليسترول الكلي-الكوليسترول النافع-الكوليسترول الضار-الكوليسترول المنخفض الكثافة جدا)

(صورة دم كامله )

(سرعة ترسيب الدم .)

تحليل الكالسيوم

تحليل السكر في الدم.

الزلال في الدم

جرثومه المعدة بالدم

اليوريا النتروجين في الدم





Complete Blood Count (CBC)


( Ca ( Calcium

Uric  Acid

FBS ( Fasting Blood Glucose)

Blood urea nitrogen (bun) serum

Albumin, Serum

Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies, Rapid, Serum

299 SAR


You must fast for 10-12 hours water is allowed.

List of Included Tests - 19 Test

Maintaining body fat levels within normal levels helps heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes

Fasting glucose test is used to detect high blood sugar or low blood sugar levels and monitor blood sugar levels for a healthy life.

The body depends on vitamin D, which is one of the most important vitamins in the human body to support the immune system and build stronger bones. 

the lack of this vitamin can cause feelings of laziness, lethargy, fatigue, and extreme exhaustion

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

TSH Test 

It is a spiral-shaped bacteria that lives and reproduces in the lining walls of the stomach. The vast majority of people infected with Helicobacter pylori do not show any symptoms and will never develop problems. However, it is the cause of many diseases in the stomach, including ulcers, as the presence of the bacteria is one of the causes of ulcers. Not the other way around, and a person remains infected unless they undergo treatment.

A common blood test, known as a blood urea nitrogen test, reveals important information about how well your kidneys are functioning. It measures the concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood.

It is called a blood albumin test or blood albumin test, and it is a test to measure the level of albumin in the blood, which is a protein that is manufactured in the liver. A low albumin test reading indicates the presence of kidney or liver disorders , Albumin helps maintain fluids in the bloodstream and prevents them from leaking into other tissues in the body. Albumin also carries other substances throughout the body such as enzymes, hormones, and vitamins.

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