permarrage for male or female

It is to ensure the safety of both parties and limit the spread of some hereditary blood diseases (thalassemia-sickle cell disease) and some infectious diseases (hepatitis B/C, acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS). Spreading awareness of the concept of comprehensive, healthy marriage.

Analysis includes:

Hepatitis B Surface

Hepatitis c 

Antibody (HCV Ab)

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis




499 SAR


You must fast for 10-12 hours and water is allowed.

List of Included Tests - 5 Test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Blood test

Hepatitis C is known as a virus that causes inflammation and damage to the liver. Hepatitis C screening is known as a set of tests that are performed on an individual, in order to diagnose his infection with hepatitis C, in order to treat the individual, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. An individual often becomes infected with hepatitis C when Contaminated blood enters the body, due to injections used to take drugs, sharing needles, or blood transfusions.

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